Covid 19 Updates
Since September 2021, being back in school and together has given us the chance to re-kindle friendships, have fun and learn together in an integrated and collaborative way. It has been truly wonderful. On the whole, children have re-settled really well, they are learning very enthusiastically and the staff are working very hard to give them the best, most practical, challenging and rewarding learning experiences we can.
However, as we all know, Covid-19 has (unfortunately) not gone away. There are still many people suffering and families who need our love, support and prayers.
In school, we have tried very hard to balance 'normality and caution' in order to give the best opportunities as safely as we can. To date, that seems to have worked well with only a very few people in our school community affected. We have supported each one with compassion and understanding and always will.
The following measures remain in place in school, or have been implemented to get the best and safest balance for our children in school;
- Staff are still testing twice weekly with LFD tests
- Enhanced mid-day cleaning is still in place
- Bubbles have been widened to include 2 year groups for lunchtime activities
- Worship either takes place via Teams or in the hall collectively with only 1 Key stage at a time - the other Key Stage joins by Teams.
- Children regularly sanitise their hands and follow good hygiene guidance.
- The air flow around school is monitored and we guide staff to 'ventilate and separate' thoughtfully, comfortably and sensitively to ensure as much fresh air is flowing in the building and between groups of people as possible.
- Parents consultations are held remotely if possible (and our parents tell us they are quite happy with these arrangements) - although we will see parents in school if this is better and more appropriate in the circumstances.
- Parents ere invited to wear a mask in school if they feel comfortable to do so. And, in this case, staff will do the same.
- While we are really glad to have been able to return the school day to normal, parents still have two exit points from the building to allow for separation and distance.
- Meetings and performances will be repeated if necessary so we can keep the number of places available for parents or family members to attend limited and still ensure as many people can join us that want to.
- We remain in close contact with the LA and other local Head teachers to receive updates and also to discuss provision and moderate approaches for our school and local communities.
- Staff are vigilant for symptoms in children (and each other) and following agreed protocols consistently.
All of the above measures are under review and, of course, are subject to change dependent on the advice we receive from the Local Authority, the Department for Education, and the Department for Health and Social Care.
If your child should need to isolate because of Covid-19, we very much hope their learning and progress can be interrupted as little as possible. We will provide a paper pack of work we will arrange to get to you as soon as we hear isolation is necessary and we will contact you daily to chat about the work, how it's going and offer any help or guidance that's needed. We will also check in every couple of days or so to see how you are all feeling at home and if you need anything.
Continuing to support us as fully as you have been doing - for which we are really grateful.
Please remain vigilant about symptoms in yourself or your child - those still being a new, regular and persistent cough, a raised temperature or a change or loss of taste or smell. IF you spot these symptoms, please keep your child off school and get them a PCR test as soon as possible.
Updated; November 2021