Uniform Information

Our Uniform works on a 'Mix and Match' basis. And, we have done that in order to try and keep the costs down for parents as much as possible. The only items of bespoke uniform are the school jumper and tie which can be bought from our suppliers with other items being optional extras or available from supermarkets.
We believe we have a smart uniform that creates a sense of belonging and helps us to aim for high standards in all that we do.
Bespoke items of uniform are ordered through Slaters (Wigan) or Andrew Leach (Horwich), please visit their shops or view their websites for further details.
Children may wear any combination from the following list:
- Shirt (long or short sleeved) with collar
- school tie (Reception onwards)
- grey trousers
- grey or tartan skirt
- grey or tartan pinafore
- grey formal shorts
- pale blue school cardigan or jumper
- Black shoes
- Grey/black tights or white/grey/black socks
- pale blue summer gingham dress
Nursery children may wear black or grey jogging bottoms and a white polo t-shirt in order to help them to be more independent with going to the toilet and dressing themselves.
PE Kit
Children from Reception onwards take part in one indoor PE slot and one outdoor PE slot a week.
Indoor Kit:
- School PE Kit or plain blue shorts with a plain blue/white t-shirt
- Black PE pumps
Outdoor Kit
- School hoody and plain navy joggers or otherwise clothes suitable for outdoor activities in plain navy blue (no logo or branded clothing)
- Trainers
We have a very popular uniform exchange in school that is always well stocked. There is no charge for the uniform, it is a parents supporting parents initiative.