Blackrod Church School

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Stronger together, with God, to be the best we're meant to be


Meet the Governors



Welcome to all the children, parents and carers and a very warm welcome to children and their parents/carers who are starting for the first time.


This is the beginning of an exciting educational journey which will bring great personal fulfilment and development for every child.


Blackrod Church School has a positive reputation for its friendly atmosphere, its hard working professional staff and mutual respect for everyone. An important aspect of our school is the continued development of the partnership between parents, carers and staff for the benefit of all the children attending school.


The Governors look forward to celebrating our strengths and ideas. We will confidently meet any obstacles and challenges we face and we will work diligently to promote our school and to provide an outstanding learning environment for our children throughout their journey at Blackrod Church School.


During the autumn term the Governors will be introducing themselves via our school web site to give our parents, carers and staff an insight of the role of a Governor.


We welcome any questions and suggestions from children, parents, carers, staff and members of the school community.


Jean Gittins.

(Chair of Governors)


The governing board at Blackrod Church School has 3 main functions;


  • To ensure the ethos and the values of the school are maintained and promoted at all times. 
  • To hold all the school leaders to account and ensure the very best is provided for the children 
  • To ensure the school spends its money wisely and effectively and according to any appropriate rules. 


The Governing Board - Academic Year  2023 / 2024


Chair of Governors - Mrs Jean Gittins

Vice Chair of Governors - Mrs Nichola Hill 

Parent Governor/Safeguarding Governor - Miss J Howard

Chair of the Standards Committee - Mrs Nichola Hill

Chair of the Ethos Committee - Rev Angela Wynne. 

Foundation Governor - Rev Carol McCabe.

SEND Governor/Parent Governor - Mrs Hayley Heap

Foundation Governor - Rev Shaun Swithenbank

Foundation Governor/Chair of Finance Committee - Mr David Holden-Locke

Staff Governor - Vacancy

Co-Opted Governor -Mrs Sue Gaskell

Exec Head Teacher - Mr James Royal 

Parent Governor - Mrs Hazel Hampson

Associate Governor - Mr Damien Brown


The LA Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Georgina Ridings






The Governors are required to hold strategic responsibilities for the development and improvement of the School. The three core strategic functions are.


1) Ensuring clarity of vison, ethos, values and strategic direction.

2) Holding the Head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

3) Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


The Full Governing Body of Blackrod Church School.


The meetings are chaired by (Mrs J Gittins) Chair of Governors.

At the meeting the Governors receive a report from the Head teacher on all aspects of the leadership of the school including the School Improvement Plan.

The Governing Body are supportive of the changes within the Governing Board.

During this term we will be introducing all members and the various roles and committees that we are involved in.


School Visits.

Governors visit the school regularly. The visits provide an opportunity to speak with pupils, staff and parents.


Governor Training.

The governors have attended a range of training opportunities and have responded to our skills audit.

The audit recognised that the existing Governors have a strong base of relevant expertise and experiences and have identified our next steps for the Governing as a whole.
