New Starters Information - September 2024 Intake
If you have a child who is waiting to start with us, we are really excited to meet you and very much looking forward to sharing some amazing experiences and creating some magical memories.
We will arrange with you directly all the details of your child's first day and we are always very happy to discuss with you (and hopefully reassure you about) any particular concerns you might have. Please don't hesitate to call us or email for a chat if there's something on your mind.
We very much hope this is the start of a wonderful journey with you, your child and your family.
New Starters Meeting for Parents: Wednesday 8th June at 6pm
Taster Sessions for children starting in Nursery and Reception: Monday 13th June 9.15- 11.00
Wednesday 22nd June 9.15 - 11.00
Tuesday 28th June 9.15 - 11.00
New Starters Meeting - Information Pack

National offer day for Reception places this year is 19th April. On this day you will receive an email or letter confirming which school your child has been allocated. This is done through the local authority. Please click on the lick below for more information.