Maths at BCS
Studying mathematics stimulates curiosity, fosters creativity and equips children with the skills they need in life beyond school.
Our bespoke lesson structure allows children to revisit previous learning and concepts, ensuring that knowledge sticks and can be easily recalled to link to other areas of maths. The fluency part of the lesson introduces children to new concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life and support learning across the curriculum. It helps children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them, offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners. Children delight in using mathematics to solve a problem, especially when it leads them to an unexpected discovery or new connections. The final part of our lesson allows our children to do exactly this in a reasoning or problem solving task. As their confidence grows, they look for patterns, use logical reasoning, suggest solutions and try out different approaches to problems. Mathematics offers children a powerful way of communicating. They learn to explore and explain their ideas using symbols, diagrams and spoken and written language. They start to discover how mathematics has developed over time and contributes to our economy, society and culture.
Each year group delivers a set of ‘topics’ during the year that covers the National Curriculum pertinent to them. These are planned annually but are flexible in approach; sometimes we adapt what we teach in order to respond to the interest of the class or respond to an event in the world, helping us to keep the curriculum alive with interesting and exciting coverage.
If you would like to find out more about the teaching of Maths in our school, please see the following policies:
Our curriculum overview provides information about which areas of maths are taught within the curriculum at different times of the year. These can be viewed below:
Maths Yearly Overview
Below are the end of year expectations for each year group outlining what children should be able to do by the time they leave their year group.
Marvellous Measures - can you learn all these key facts off by heart?
Hybrid Learning
At BCS we use a number of online resources to support the teaching of Maths and to also support parents and pupils with learning at home. Below you will find links to some of our favourite resources. Take at look at the end of year expectations linked above to see which aspects your child might benefit from a little extra support or practise with and then choose some games on these areas of learning.