Blackrod Church School

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Stronger together, with God, to be the best we're meant to be


Swimming Lessons

As part of our curriculum offer, children attend a block of 10 swimming lessons in Year 5 at a local swimming pool. There is no cost to parents for either the swimming lessons or the transport and the lessons take place during the school day. When we have our confirmed slot each year, we will write directly to the parents with all the information they need. 


The intention of the lesson sessions is to ensure that by the end of the programme all children can pass the National Curriculum swimming standard and are safe in water. We ensure we carry a few spare places each year for those children who found it really hard during Year 5 so they can have some more support during Year 6 as needed. 


We recognise the importance of water safety for all our children and encourage parents where possible to spend time with their children in water to develop their confidence and sense of fun and achievement at as early an age as is possible. 
