School Values and Ethos
Being a 'Church' School, founded in the Anglican and Methodist Christian traditions, defines the nature and way we do all things for all members of our school community and beyond and, as such, our warm and heartfelt welcome is for people of all faiths and no faith, equally and inclusively.
The Bible provides inspiration for a wide range of the work and activities we undertake - some of these are found below;
1 Peter 4:8,
‘Above all love each other deeply,’
...encapsulates how our school thrives. We promote hope and a love of learning and each other with God as our guide. Our learning environment, built on our Christian values, is a place of excitement, joy, happiness and respect, encouraging strong, authentic healthy relationships. These relationships are our greatest strength; motivating and supporting each other to do our best.
Jeremiah 17:7-8
'Being together helps us
achieve more and overcome barriers'
This reminds us that whatever we face, we have greater strength together with God, and is found in our vision statement 'stronger together, with God, to be the best we're meant to be.'
"For God gave us spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."
2 Timothy 1 : 7
Are the words our Junior Leadership Team use to help guide and frame their work.
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."
Psalm 56 : 3
Are the words our Online Safety Champions use to help guide and frame their work.
"I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live."
Ecclesiastes 3 : 12
Are the words our Community Changemakers use to help guide and frame their work.
“The person of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3 : 17
Are the words our Pupil Chaplains use to help guide and frame their work.
"Encourage one another and build each other up..."
1 Thessalonians 5 : 11
Are the words our Peace Patrol use to help guide and frame their work.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
Genesis 1 : 1
Are the words our Eco Warriors use to help guide and frame their work.
“Forgive and you will be forgiven."
Luke 6 : 37
"Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Luke 6 : 31
Are thoughts that guide our philosophy and processes for forgiveness and reconciliation
Our values - Grace, Love and Fellowship are found everywhere in school and on all documentation. Children explore what these values mean through worship, celebration, reflection and in conversation with staff and in particular how they help us all to know how
to relate to each other - following the example of Jesus Christ.
Religious Education taught is acceptable to both the Anglican and Methodist churches in its concept and practice and is statutorily compliant with the Bolton SACRE syllabus. Whilst our teaching is based on a strongly Christian ethos, children of other faiths and those who have no faith are all welcomed equally.
During the school year, visits are made to the Anglican church in the village as part of the RE Curriculum, or to take part in a special service held to commemorate a particular event. Sadly, we no longer have a Methodist church in the village. We warmly welcome visitors from both churches, and others, to lead our worship in school. We endeavour to provide opportunities for modern ministry through song and dance to engage and inspire our young people in their journey with faith.
Our Gospel values underpin how and why we create the environment that we do where every individual is valued and accepted for who they are and what they will become. We work in the belief that every child is invaluably precious, treasured and cherished by God, and therefore should be cared for in the same way in school. We accept it is fully aligned as both our professional and faithful duties to help, support, encourage, guide and inspire children to achieve the very best they can at whatever they do. To succeed in both these, we have created a thoughtful, compassionate, fun, innovative and caring family at Blackrod Church School that we are very happy to share.
We are very lucky to be supported by both St Katharine's Church of England Church in Blackrod and the Wigan Methodist Circuit.
Rev Angela Wynne and Rev Peter Powers serve enthusiastically and very supportively on our Governing Board, representing thoughtfully the views and thinking of their wider Churches. We are very lucky to enjoy close co-operation and association with our worshipping congregations in Blackrod and beyond and we create meaningful and enriching opportunities to share together wherever possible. We are also very grateful to be able to make use of their wisdom, and experience. Together, we have been able to articulate some of the theological ideas that drive our work and daily encounters. Please see below.
We feel very lucky to also enjoy the support of Manchester Anglican Diocese in the Children Changing Places project to not only help children to become creative, dynamic and enthusiastic leaders of worship, but also to support learning and spiritual development in the class room. The Wigan Methodist Circuit team are also regularly in school to help children to learn how to support each other in finding peaceful and constructive resolutions to problems set against the words attributed to John Wesley - 'do all the good you can...'
Please take the time to read our excellent SIAMS inspection report ( SIAMs Report ). It recognises and celebrates the outstanding way we care for, nurture and encourage our children, and how we strive for the very best for them. It is this aspect of our work that makes us very proud and inspires us daily to try harder and better for our children.