Statutory Information
Blackrod Church School
Vicarage Road West, Blackrod, Bolton, BL6 5DE.
If you have any questions for us please contact us directly on 01204 333520 or by email -
The office team; Mrs Woodward, Miss Howard, Miss Cowell or Mrs Crompton will be very pleased to help to.
The Executive Head teacher is; Mr James Royal.
The Head of School is; Miss Jill Bramwell.
The SENDCO is; Miss K Gradwell.
Our school office hours are 08.30 - 16.00
Wham, our before and after school club is open from 07.30 - 18.00 each school day. Places can be booked with Mrs Woodward.
If you would paper copies of the information shared on this website, please ask any one in the office.
- Below you will find all the current information we are required to provide. If you feel you need anything you can't find here, please call or email and we will help you however we can.
- Our Values and Ethos
- Our Curriculum Offer
- Ofsted and SIAMS Reports
- School Performance Data
- Admissions
- Information About School Uniform
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Behaviour Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Sex, Health and Relationships Policy
- Public Sector Equality Duty
- Statutory Financial Information
- Sports Premium
- Pupil Premium
- Other Statutory Information
- Catch Up Funding