Blackrod Church School

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Stronger together, with God, to be the best we're meant to be


Hybrid Learning

Hybrid Learning 


The feedback we received from parents about our remote offer following the period of lockdown in 2021 was strong. We were also pleased with levels of engagement throughout the period of remote learning.


On the return to school for all children in March 2021, we established those areas of learning not covered from our curriculum plans (which, understandably were often the more practical skills or skills that required expertise to teach) and provided a dynamic ‘bounce-back curriculum with super learning days to immerse children in the joys of practical and explorative learning once again. We have never used the language of ‘catch-up’ because to catch up, you have to behind and getting in front from the back is so much harder than using your confidence and energy to drive you on.


We also found that there is a wealth of talent in our parents at home and that children – on the whole – like and respond really well to remote learning in certain circumstances. We have therefore now adapted our curriculum and the materials on the website to fully combine the skills and opportunities of learning in school with the potential and possibilities of continuing and even extending the same learning at home.


If we are in the unfortunate position of having to run periods of remote learning again, support for continuous learning can be found in both the twice daily contact with the class staff and in the documentation and resources that each child’s class programme relates to.


Of course – if we don’t have to ‘lockdown again’ please feel fully encouraged to use these materials to help us make the biggest difference possible for your child and the future he or she deserves.
